We are shaping policy, increasing access, and building up activists with energy and know-how.

We focus on policy that will create change and improve outcomes for patients.
There are fewer contraceptive providers per person in New York than in most other states. Our advocates have championed a piece of legislation that would allow pharmacists to prescribe birth control — a bill that had been ignored for a decade. This law would ease the strain on our health care system by nearly doubling the number of contraceptive providers. We are on our way to passing this legislation.

We identify simple yet innovative strategies to make it easier to get birth control.
Currently, our advocates are driving campaigns on campus. Their objective is to bring emergency contraception to dozens of college and university vending machines across New York State. The outcome is increased access to birth control and a cohort of activists ready to hit the ground fighting for reproductive rights.

In 2022 we trained over 100 advocates – and our numbers continue to grow.
We recruit and engage advocates to help win expanded access to birth control, build grassroots power, and prepare young people for careers in advocacy, policy, and legislative work. The skills and connections they build with us are expanding opportunities for this newly energized cohort of young people entering the workforce.